
Info designed to guide you through the Grant application process.
Applications close on the Last Working Day of the Month for consideration at our next Grant’s Committee Meeting.
Apply here

Who Can Apply for a Grant?

To be eligible for a grant, your organisation must be a non-profit body and registered as an Incorporated Society or be affiliated to a body that is incorporated. It is also preferable that your organisation is registered with the Charities Commission.

Four Winds Foundation funds are available for activities that provide benefit to a significant portion of the community in a non-commercial sense. The type of charitable organisations that the Foundation envisages assisting generally falls within the following descriptions:

  • Sport
  • Community
  • Health, Welfare, Rescue Services
  • Education and Research
  • Arts & Culture
  • Environment & Animals
  • Other groups that align with our funding criteria not specifically mentioned above

Our preference is to distribute funds in and around the area where our venues are located (click here for a current list of our venues). If you are outside these areas, you should look at the website for a list of other gaming trusts in your area who may be able to help you.

Funding Rounds

The 'Four Winds Foundation Grants Committee' meets every month to consider applications received in the previous month. Meetings are usually held on the last week of every month, although some exceptions may apply.

This means that applications received in the Four Winds Foundation office in this current month (up until and including the last working day of the month) will be considered at the end of next month. This applies to every month of the year.

  • Only 4 grant applications per applicant will be considered in any 12-month period‍
  • Only 1 grant application per applicant will be considered in any month
  • Your organisation’s location: Four Winds Foundation gives funding priority to local communities around our venues. If we currently have no venues in or around your organisation’s area, your application would be unlikely to be considered favourably.
  • The timing of your application: It is preferable that grant applications are received by our office eight weeks prior to the event or activity concerned. Funding must only be used after your application has been approved by the Four Winds Foundation Grants Committee. Funding cannot be granted for events that have already occurred before the meeting is held, even if the actual payment is after the meeting. Any amount used before the meeting, including but not limited to deposits, is considered retrospective and therefore cannot be approved.
  • All grants need to be for goods and services that originate in New Zealand
  • All items funded must remain the property of the recipient organisation e.g. sports equipment and uniforms
  • Authorised purposes must benefit the community and not result in commercial or personal gain.
  • Click here to learn more about Authorised Purposes.
  • Click here to learn more about Non-Authorised Purposes in relation to grant funding.

Grant Application Requirements

IMPORTANT: The cost breakdown must be clearly filled in, with all items supported by cost evidence. Please note, budgets are not considered to be acceptable cost evidence.
If you are engaging the services of a fundraiser, in order for the application to be considered: they must be paid at a flat or hourly rate which is paid irrespective of the outcome of your grant application. If your organisation has another remuneration arrangement with your fundraiser, you must disclose this to us. You must not use any portion of grant funding received to pay a commission or success fee to the fundraiser.
  • Payments other than stake money to horse or greyhound owners or trainers.
  • Payments to professional jockeys.
  • Activities or expenses in connection with the breeding of racehorses or grey hounds.
  • Any payment, facility or service that would give commercial benefit to owners, trainers, jockeys, breeders or other people in the racing industry
If you are engaging the services of a fundraiser, in order for the application to be considered: they must be paid at a flat or hourly rate which is paid irrespective of the outcome of your grant application. If your organisation has another remuneration arrangement with your fundraiser, you must disclose this to us. You must not use any portion of grant funding received to pay a commission or success fee to the fundraiser.
An important requirement for funding is the provision of a signed set of the organisation’s annual financial statements. No application will be considered without the most current signed financial statements.
The allocation of funds made by Four Winds Foundation is an unconditional gift. No portion is claimed by Four Winds Foundation as a deduction for Goods and Services Tax paid. If a Grant Applicant is GST registered, only the GST exclusive amount can be funded (as GST is not a real cost to such organisations).
All applications for salaries/contractor’s fees must include a current signed contract (with the job description) clearly supporting the amounts outlined in the application form "salaries cost breakdown." Applications can only be processed based on the evidence provided.

Applications for positions that are not yet filled will not be considered.

Successful grants for salaries/wages will usually be limited to a three-month period of time.
  • All grant applications must include a resolution of the organisation’s committee/board decision to apply for funding. It must be signed and dated by a member of the committee/board..
  • The resolution must be specific to Four Winds Foundation and must include the amount to be applied for. The resolution must also be no older than 3 months.
  • The resolution can be part of the committee meeting minutes. Whilst a copy of the minutes are not required, the resolution is.
  • Click here for an acceptable example of a resolution format.
To be eligible for sporting grants, your organisation must be affiliated to a regional or national body and your members must play on a regular basis.

The following is not funded:
  • Training/after-match apparel (the only authorised kind of apparel is playing uniforms).
  • Individual sportspersons unless the grant is made to and administered by an incorporated sporting body to which the individual is affiliated. If the individual is participating in an event that attracts prizes, then all prizes must be forfeited to that sporting body.
  • Food and alcohol
  • Sporting trips for supporters and spectators
  • Costs associated with 'after-match' functions
Once an Application is Received in the Foundation’s Office
Please note we are unable to send confirmation for every application received into our office.

When an application is being processed, if there’s any required information missing, we would usually email the applicant requesting the missing information. 

Otherwise, all applicants will only hear back from us by email once meeting results are processed.

It is therefore important to provide a current email address for each application.

Grants Payment

Approved grants are usually paid via direct credit by the end of the week following the grant approval date (exceptions may apply o
 certain months).

It is therefore important to provide an official bank document with the applicant’s bank account name and number for each application.

Resolution Example

This is essential and should be on your organisation's letterhead.
It was resolved that a request be made to Four Winds Foundation Ltd for funding for the amount of [Amount]. I certify that the above is a true and correct copy of the resolution of the [Committee or Executive] of [Organisation Name] dated [Date].

Signed: ___________________ Name of Secretary: _________________ Date: _________________

Non-Authorised Purposes

The following are some examples that are not acceptable as Authorised Purposes:
  • Purchase or subsidy of alcohol, food, entertainment or refreshments (except in certain cases for children or elderly)
  • Costs of staging “after-match” functions for sporting groups
  • Grants to non-affiliated “social” sports or clubs
  • Grants to clubs that use a commercial gaming machine site (e.g. a hotel) as a clubroom or sporting venue
  • Cash prizes or large non-cash prizes
  • Commercial tourist promotions
  • A purpose that will result in a commercial gain or profit for an individual or organisation
  • Grants to further the activities of professional sports persons
  • Any individual sports person unless the grant is made to and administered by an incorporated sporting body to which the individual is affiliated
  • Family reunions or group reunions
  • Events or trips which are predominantly social in nature
  • Purchase or subsidy of vehicles for purposes associated with social functions
  • Prizes for sporting events except for trophies or modest non-cash prizes for use in genuine community sporting events. (The definition of “modest” will in each case be determined by the size of the event concerned.)
  • Dress uniforms
  • Donations given to individual events cannot be provided for personal usage. All such provisions must be made available for common usage
  • Fuel costs
  • All grants must be utilised for purposes within New Zealand for New Zealand goods and services Funds will be made available for travel overseas to the first point of arrival and return to New Zealand. No other costs will be provided for.
  • Any retrospective purchase or event
  • Funding of third-party donor organisations
  • Funding for fundraising events

Racing Industry

  • Payments other than stake money to horse or greyhound owners or trainers.
  • Payments to professional jockeys.
  • Activities or expenses in connection with the breeding of racehorses or grey hounds.
  • Any payment, facility or service that would give commercial benefit to owners, trainers, jockeys, breeders or other people in the racing industry
Groups, events or trips which are predominately social in nature and facilities to provide for such groups/events (unless the beneficiaries are a needy group such as underprivileged children or the elderly. This list of exclusions may include:
  • Family and group reunions
  • Social clubs and sports supporters' clubs
  • Sporting trips for supporters or spectators
  • Purchase or subsidy of vehicles for purposes associated with social functions

Authorised Purposes

Grants terms and conditions
  • Funding must be applied to the purpose stated on the application
  • Any deviations or requests for reallocation of funding or change of supplier of goods and/or services must be made to the Foundation in writing prior to the expenditure being incurred.
  • Expenditure of funds must be accounted for by collating and returning receipts and copies of bank statements pertaining to the receipt and expenditure of funds. This should be done as soon as practicable after the funds are spent
  • Any unspent funds are to be returned to the Foundation immediately
  • Failure to return receipts and accountability documentation will result in a request from the Foundation for the return of funding and any future applications being declined
  • Funds cannot be granted for events that have already occurred or for items that have already been purchased
  • Fees or commission payment of any kind can be included in applications
  • Funding is entirely at the discretion of the Foundation and application does not guarantee funding
  • All items funded must remain the property of the recipient organisation, e.g. sports equipment and uniforms
  • Written notification of outcomes will be sent within ten working days of the Board meeting. Verbal communication of funding decisions will not be given
  • Payment of the grant will be made by direct credit to the bank account nominated on the deposit slip provided in your application
Funds available for distribution will be applied to:
  • Any amateur sports teams or clubs that are open to the general public, are affiliated to a recognised or national body and compete in recognised leagues. Support for the provision and maintenance of facilities, equipment, services, playing uniforms for sporting clubs and amateur sporting teams affiliated to the appropriate regional or national body and playing in recognised, published leagues or competitions
  • The promotion, control or conduct of race meetings under the Racing Act 2003 including the payment of stakes
  • Any charitable, philanthropic, cultural purpose, or any purpose that is beneficial to the community or a section of it
  • Grants for charitable purposes including the relief of poverty, or welfare assistance through donations to recognised social service or welfare agencies
  • Grants to educational, cultural and sporting organisations for scholarships or equipment that is administered by the recipient educational organisation
  • Grants to recognised cultural or philanthropic activities or groups.
  • With the exception of grants to national societies or agencies, funds are mainly distributed within the local community in which they are raised.
  • Authorised purposes must benefit the community and not result in commercial or personal gain.

Grants Application

See how Four Winds Foundation has made a difference in communities around the country.

Safe Gaming

Four Winds provide information on harm prevention.

Partner Venues

A directory of the venues nearest to your community.
Applications close on the Last Working Day of the Month for consideration at our next Grant’s Committee Meeting.
Apply here
To be eligible for a grant, your organisation must be a non-profit body and registered as an Incorporated Society or be affiliated to a body that is incorporated. It is also preferable that your organisation is registered with the Charities Commission.
Four Winds Foundation funds are available for activities that provide benefit to a significant portion of the community in a non-commercial sense. The type of charitable organisations that the Foundation envisages assisting generally falls within the following descriptions:

- Sporting clubs/teams
- Cultural (e.g. performing arts, historical societies and cultural groups)
- Philanthropic (organisations that are there for the benefit or welfare of the community e.g. health, foodbanks)
- Educational groups
- Groups who serve community purposes (e.g. scouts and senior citizens )
- Other groups that align to our funding criteria not specifically mentioned above

An important requirement for funding is the provision of a signed set of the organisation’s annual financial accounts in the application. Our preference is to distribute funds in and around the area where our venues are located (click here for a current list of our venues). If you are outside these areas, you should look at the website for a list of other gaming trusts in your area who may be able to help you.
The 'Four Winds Foundation Grants Committee' meets every month to consider applications received in the previous month. Meetings are usually held on the last week of every month, although some exceptions may apply.
This means that applications received in the Four Winds Foundation office in this current month (up until and including the last working day of the month) will be considered at the end of next month. This applies to every month of the year.

- ALL applications must be posted or hand-delivered to our office, emailed applications will not be accepted‍
- Only 4 grant applications per applicant will be considered in any 12-month period‍
- Only 1 grant application per applicant will be considered in any month
Accordion content goes here.
Accordion content goes here.
The second page of our application form outlines all the additional documentation required with the Four Winds grant application form. ‍
IMPORTANT: The cost breakdown must be clearly filled in, with all items supported by cost evidence. Please note, budgets are not considered to be acceptable cost evidence.
If you are engaging the services of a fundraiser, in order for the application to be considered: they must be paid at a flat or hourly rate which is paid irrespective of the outcome of your grant application. If your organisation has another remuneration arrangement with your fundraiser, you must disclose this to us. You must not use any portion of grant funding received to pay a commission or success fee to the fundraiser.
If you are engaging the services of a fundraiser, in order for the application to be considered: they must be paid at a flat or hourly rate which is paid irrespective of the outcome of your grant application. If your organisation has another remuneration arrangement with your fundraiser, you must disclose this to us. You must not use any portion of grant funding received to pay a commission or success fee to the fundraiser.
The allocation of funds made by Four Winds Foundation is an unconditional gift. No portion is claimed by Four Winds Foundation as a deduction for Goods and Services Tax paid. If a Grant Applicant is GST registered, only the GST exclusive amount can be funded (as GST is not a real cost to such organisations).
Accordion content goes here.
- All grant applications must include a resolution of the organisation’s committee/board decision to apply for funding. It must be signed and dated by a member of the committee/board..
- The resolution must be specific to Four Winds Foundation and must include the amount to be applied for. The resolution must also be no older than 3 months.
- The resolution can be part of the committee meeting minutes. Whilst a copy of the minutes are not required, the resolution is.
- Click here for an acceptable example of a resolution format.
To be eligible for sporting grants, your organisation must be affiliated to a regional or national body and your members must play on a regular basis.

The following is not funded:
- Training/after-match apparel (the only authorised kind of apparel is playing uniforms).
- Individual sportspersons unless the grant is made to and administered by an incorporated sporting body to which the individual is affiliated. If the individual is participating in an event that attracts prizes, then all prizes must be forfeited to that sporting body.
- Food and alcohol
- Sporting trips for supporters and spectators
- Costs associated with 'after-match' functions
Once an Application is Received in the Foundation’s Office
Please note we are unable to send confirmation for every application received into our office.

When an application is being processed, if there’s any required information missing, we would usually email the applicant requesting the missing information. This information would ideally be scanned and emailed back to us.

Otherwise, all applicants will only hear back from us by email once meeting results are processed.

It is therefore important to provide a current email address for each application.
Approved grants are usually paid via direct credit by the end of the week following the grant approval date (exceptions may apply o
 certain months).

It is therefore important to provide an official bank document with the applicant’s bank account name and number for each application.
This is essential and should be on your organisation's letterhead.
It was resolved that a request be made to Four Winds Foundation Ltd for funding for the amount of [Amount]. I certify that the above is a true and correct copy of the resolution of the [Committee or Executive] of [Organisation Name] dated [Date].

Signed: ___________________ Name of Secretary: _________________ Date: _________________
The following are some examples that are not acceptable as Authorised Purposes:
- Purchase or subsidy of alcohol, food, entertainment or refreshments (except in certain cases for children or elderly)
- Costs of staging “after-match” functions for sporting groups
- Grants to non-affiliated “social” sports or clubs
- Grants to clubs that use a commercial gaming machine site (e.g. a hotel) as a clubroom or sporting venue
- Cash prizes or large non-cash prizes
- Commercial tourist promotions
- A purpose that will result in a commercial gain or profit for an individual or organisation
- Grants to further the activities of professional sports persons
- Any individual sports person unless the grant is made to and administered by an incorporated sporting body to which the individual is affiliated
- Family reunions or group reunions
- Events or trips which are predominantly social in nature
- Purchase or subsidy of vehicles for purposes associated with social functions
- Prizes for sporting events except for trophies or modest non-cash prizes for use in genuine community sporting events. (The definition of “modest” will in each case be determined by the size of the event concerned.)
- Dress uniforms
- Donations given to individual events cannot be provided for personal usage. All such provisions must be made available for common usage
- Fuel costs
- All grants must be utilised for purposes within New Zealand for New Zealand goods and services Funds will be made available for travel overseas to the first point of arrival and return to New Zealand. No other costs will be provided for.
- Any retrospective purchase or event
- Funding of third-party donor organisations
- Funding for fundraising events
- Payments other than stake money to horse or greyhound owners or trainers.
- Payments to professional jockeys.
- Activities or expenses in connection with the breeding of racehorses or grey hounds.
- Any payment, facility or service that would give commercial benefit to owners, trainers, jockeys, breeders or other people in the racing industry
Groups, events or trips which are predominately social in nature and facilities to provide for such groups/events (unless the beneficiaries are a needy group such as underprivileged children or the elderly. This list of exclusions may include:
- Family and group reunions
- Social clubs and sports supporters' clubs
- Sporting trips for supporters or spectators
- Purchase or subsidy of vehicles for purposes associated with social functions
Grants terms and conditions
- Funding must be applied to the purpose stated on the application
- Any deviations or requests for reallocation of funding or change of supplier of goods and/or services must be made to the Foundation in writing prior to the expenditure being incurred.
- Expenditure of funds must be accounted for by collating and returning receipts and copies of bank statements pertaining to the receipt and expenditure of funds. This should be done as soon as practicable after the funds are spent
- Any unspent funds are to be returned to the Foundation immediately
- Failure to return receipts and accountability documentation will result in a request from the Foundation for the return of funding and any future applications being declined
- Funds cannot be granted for events that have already occurred or for items that have already been purchased
- Fees or commission payment of any kind can be included in applications
- Funding is entirely at the discretion of the Foundation and application does not guarantee funding
- All items funded must remain the property of the recipient organisation, e.g. sports equipment and uniforms
- Written notification of outcomes will be sent within ten working days of the Board meeting. Verbal communication of funding decisions will not be given
- Payment of the grant will be made by direct credit to the bank account nominated on the deposit slip provided in your application
Funds available for distribution will be applied to:
- Any amateur sports teams or clubs that are open to the general public, are affiliated to a recognised or national body and compete in recognised leagues. Support for the provision and maintenance of facilities, equipment, services, playing uniforms for sporting clubs and amateur sporting teams affiliated to the appropriate regional or national body and playing in recognised, published leagues or competitions
- The promotion, control or conduct of race meetings under the Racing Act 2003 including the payment of stakes
- Any charitable, philanthropic, cultural purpose, or any purpose that is beneficial to the community or a section of it
- Grants for charitable purposes including the relief of poverty, or welfare assistance through donations to recognised social service or welfare agencies
- Grants to educational, cultural and sporting organisations for scholarships or equipment that is administered by the recipient educational organisation
- Grants to recognised cultural or philanthropic activities or groups.
- With the exception of grants to national societies or agencies, funds are mainly distributed within the local community in which they are raised.
- Authorised purposes must benefit the community and not result in commercial or personal gain.
Applications close on the Last Working Day of the Month for consideration at our next Grant’s Committee Meeting.
Apply here
To be eligible for a grant, your organisation must be a non-profit body and registered as an Incorporated Society or be affiliated to a body that is incorporated. It is also preferable that your organisation is registered with the Charities Commission.
Four Winds Foundation funds are available for activities that provide benefit to a significant portion of the community in a non-commercial sense. The type of charitable organisations that the Foundation envisages assisting generally falls within the following descriptions:

- Sporting clubs/teams
- Cultural (e.g. performing arts, historical societies and cultural groups)
- Philanthropic (organisations that are there for the benefit or welfare of the community e.g. health, foodbanks)
- Educational groups
- Groups who serve community purposes (e.g. scouts and senior citizens )
- Other groups that align to our funding criteria not specifically mentioned above

An important requirement for funding is the provision of a signed set of the organisation’s annual financial accounts in the application. Our preference is to distribute funds in and around the area where our venues are located (click here for a current list of our venues). If you are outside these areas, you should look at the website for a list of other gaming trusts in your area who may be able to help you.
The 'Four Winds Foundation Grants Committee' meets every month to consider applications received in the previous month. Meetings are usually held on the last week of every month, although some exceptions may apply.
This means that applications received in the Four Winds Foundation office in this current month (up until and including the last working day of the month) will be considered at the end of next month. This applies to every month of the year.

- ALL applications must be posted or hand-delivered to our office, emailed applications will not be accepted‍
- Only 4 grant applications per applicant will be considered in any 12-month period‍
- Only 1 grant application per applicant will be considered in any month
Accordion content goes here.
Accordion content goes here.
The second page of our application form outlines all the additional documentation required with the Four Winds grant application form. ‍
IMPORTANT: The cost breakdown must be clearly filled in, with all items supported by cost evidence. Please note, budgets are not considered to be acceptable cost evidence.
If you are engaging the services of a fundraiser, in order for the application to be considered: they must be paid at a flat or hourly rate which is paid irrespective of the outcome of your grant application. If your organisation has another remuneration arrangement with your fundraiser, you must disclose this to us. You must not use any portion of grant funding received to pay a commission or success fee to the fundraiser.
If you are engaging the services of a fundraiser, in order for the application to be considered: they must be paid at a flat or hourly rate which is paid irrespective of the outcome of your grant application. If your organisation has another remuneration arrangement with your fundraiser, you must disclose this to us. You must not use any portion of grant funding received to pay a commission or success fee to the fundraiser.
The allocation of funds made by Four Winds Foundation is an unconditional gift. No portion is claimed by Four Winds Foundation as a deduction for Goods and Services Tax paid. If a Grant Applicant is GST registered, only the GST exclusive amount can be funded (as GST is not a real cost to such organisations).
Accordion content goes here.
- All grant applications must include a resolution of the organisation’s committee/board decision to apply for funding. It must be signed and dated by a member of the committee/board..
- The resolution must be specific to Four Winds Foundation and must include the amount to be applied for. The resolution must also be no older than 3 months.
- The resolution can be part of the committee meeting minutes. Whilst a copy of the minutes are not required, the resolution is.
- Click here for an acceptable example of a resolution format.
To be eligible for sporting grants, your organisation must be affiliated to a regional or national body and your members must play on a regular basis.

The following is not funded:
- Training/after-match apparel (the only authorised kind of apparel is playing uniforms).
- Individual sportspersons unless the grant is made to and administered by an incorporated sporting body to which the individual is affiliated. If the individual is participating in an event that attracts prizes, then all prizes must be forfeited to that sporting body.
- Food and alcohol
- Sporting trips for supporters and spectators
- Costs associated with 'after-match' functions
Once an Application is Received in the Foundation’s Office
Please note we are unable to send confirmation for every application received into our office.

When an application is being processed, if there’s any required information missing, we would usually email the applicant requesting the missing information. This information would ideally be scanned and emailed back to us.

Otherwise, all applicants will only hear back from us by email once meeting results are processed.

It is therefore important to provide a current email address for each application.
Approved grants are usually paid via direct credit by the end of the week following the grant approval date (exceptions may apply o
 certain months).

It is therefore important to provide an official bank document with the applicant’s bank account name and number for each application.
This is essential and should be on your organisation's letterhead.
It was resolved that a request be made to Four Winds Foundation Ltd for funding for the amount of [Amount]. I certify that the above is a true and correct copy of the resolution of the [Committee or Executive] of [Organisation Name] dated [Date].

Signed: ___________________ Name of Secretary: _________________ Date: _________________
The following are some examples that are not acceptable as Authorised Purposes:
- Purchase or subsidy of alcohol, food, entertainment or refreshments (except in certain cases for children or elderly)
- Costs of staging “after-match” functions for sporting groups
- Grants to non-affiliated “social” sports or clubs
- Grants to clubs that use a commercial gaming machine site (e.g. a hotel) as a clubroom or sporting venue
- Cash prizes or large non-cash prizes
- Commercial tourist promotions
- A purpose that will result in a commercial gain or profit for an individual or organisation
- Grants to further the activities of professional sports persons
- Any individual sports person unless the grant is made to and administered by an incorporated sporting body to which the individual is affiliated
- Family reunions or group reunions
- Events or trips which are predominantly social in nature
- Purchase or subsidy of vehicles for purposes associated with social functions
- Prizes for sporting events except for trophies or modest non-cash prizes for use in genuine community sporting events. (The definition of “modest” will in each case be determined by the size of the event concerned.)
- Dress uniforms
- Donations given to individual events cannot be provided for personal usage. All such provisions must be made available for common usage
- Fuel costs
- All grants must be utilised for purposes within New Zealand for New Zealand goods and services Funds will be made available for travel overseas to the first point of arrival and return to New Zealand. No other costs will be provided for.
- Any retrospective purchase or event
- Funding of third-party donor organisations
- Funding for fundraising events
- Payments other than stake money to horse or greyhound owners or trainers.
- Payments to professional jockeys.
- Activities or expenses in connection with the breeding of racehorses or grey hounds.
- Any payment, facility or service that would give commercial benefit to owners, trainers, jockeys, breeders or other people in the racing industry
Groups, events or trips which are predominately social in nature and facilities to provide for such groups/events (unless the beneficiaries are a needy group such as underprivileged children or the elderly. This list of exclusions may include:
- Family and group reunions
- Social clubs and sports supporters' clubs
- Sporting trips for supporters or spectators
- Purchase or subsidy of vehicles for purposes associated with social functions
Grants terms and conditions
- Funding must be applied to the purpose stated on the application
- Any deviations or requests for reallocation of funding or change of supplier of goods and/or services must be made to the Foundation in writing prior to the expenditure being incurred.
- Expenditure of funds must be accounted for by collating and returning receipts and copies of bank statements pertaining to the receipt and expenditure of funds. This should be done as soon as practicable after the funds are spent
- Any unspent funds are to be returned to the Foundation immediately
- Failure to return receipts and accountability documentation will result in a request from the Foundation for the return of funding and any future applications being declined
- Funds cannot be granted for events that have already occurred or for items that have already been purchased
- Fees or commission payment of any kind can be included in applications
- Funding is entirely at the discretion of the Foundation and application does not guarantee funding
- All items funded must remain the property of the recipient organisation, e.g. sports equipment and uniforms
- Written notification of outcomes will be sent within ten working days of the Board meeting. Verbal communication of funding decisions will not be given
- Payment of the grant will be made by direct credit to the bank account nominated on the deposit slip provided in your application
Funds available for distribution will be applied to:
- Any amateur sports teams or clubs that are open to the general public, are affiliated to a recognised or national body and compete in recognised leagues. Support for the provision and maintenance of facilities, equipment, services, playing uniforms for sporting clubs and amateur sporting teams affiliated to the appropriate regional or national body and playing in recognised, published leagues or competitions
- The promotion, control or conduct of race meetings under the Racing Act 2003 including the payment of stakes
- Any charitable, philanthropic, cultural purpose, or any purpose that is beneficial to the community or a section of it
- Grants for charitable purposes including the relief of poverty, or welfare assistance through donations to recognised social service or welfare agencies
- Grants to educational, cultural and sporting organisations for scholarships or equipment that is administered by the recipient educational organisation
- Grants to recognised cultural or philanthropic activities or groups.
- With the exception of grants to national societies or agencies, funds are mainly distributed within the local community in which they are raised.
- Authorised purposes must benefit the community and not result in commercial or personal gain.
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Contact Us
Grant enquiries: (09) 631 5262
Freephone: 0800 433544
Physical Address
1 Kimberley Road, Epsom
Postal Address
PO Box 74104, Greenlane, Auckland 1546
© 2023 Four Winds Foundation Ltd, Inc. All rights reserved.